Canis lupusOriginally distributed in most of the northern hemisphere, its current range is reduced and fragmented due to human intervention. The wolf, a very adaptable species, frequents a great variety of habitats; in Italy it preferably occupies densely forested mountain areas.It’s a social animal and it lives in family groups called packs, leaded by the […]
African penguin
Spheniscus demersus It’s one of the 18 existing species of penguins, the only one that lives in the African continent. Mainly distributed along the coasts of Namibia and South Africa it frequents both the marine environment and the mainland. Even though it’s a bird, it can’t fly, and it particularly adapts to aquatic life due […]
Asiatic Lion
Panthera leo persica Few people know that the lion, a symbol of the African savannahs, also lives in Asia. It’s a distinct and particularly threatened subspecies: the Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) which once populated a vast territory from the Mediterranean Sea to India, today survives with only 350 specimens present in north-western India in […]
Fennec Fox
Vulpes zerdaIt lives in the semi-desert areas and sandy deserts of northern Africa, in families of about 10 animals consisting of the couple with the offspring.Weighing just a pound, it’s the smallest canine in the world. Its large ears, along with other adaptations to the hot, sweltering desert climate including low body mass, fur-covered soles […]
Ceratotherium simumThe largest of the 5 existing rhinoceros species, it inhabits bushy grasslands and savannahs with low grass with the presence of southern African water.Diurnal and territorial, it exclusively eats grass spending about 12 hours a day eating. The male adult leads a solitary life while the females, that are more social, can form small […]
Panthera tigris sumatraeConfined to small fragmented areas of tropical forest on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, it lives in environments with good vegetation cover, the presence of water and availability of prey.Solitary, they are mainly active in the nocturnal crepuscular hours when they hunt medium-sized ungulates but occasionally, also birds, fish, rodents, amphibians, reptiles, primates […]
Asian Elephant
Elephas maximuInhabitant of the Asian jungles, it is strictly herbivorous and spends three quarters of its time eating up to 150 kg per day of over 100 different species of plants. It lives up to 70 years in social groups headed by the eldest female animal. After 21 months of gestation the female gives birth […]
Giraffa camelopardalis reticulataWith its six meters in height, it’s the tallest animal in the world. It feeds on the leaves and the highest branches of the acacias and has a diamond-shaped mantle to blend in with the vegetation. After a gestation of 15 months, a calf two meters tall is born. Its very long neck […]
Pan troglodytesThey inhabit the forests of central-western Africa where they live in numerous groups, eating fruit, leaves, seeds but also other small mammals that it catches in groups. They have complex social behaviours, and are capable of using natural elements such as stones and sticks to make tools. They are the animal species genetically closest […]