Research: studies conducted by the Bioparco
Research conducted in zoos is one of the main objectives of “modern” zoological structures.
It represents a valuable opportunity to study animals outside their natural habitat. Moreover, it allows us to investigate aspects of the life of elusive and shy animals which, due to their characteristics, make it difficult or impossible to monitor in their natural habitat.
Moreover, the Bioparco collaborates in its research activities with universities, with other zoological structures and national and international research bodies, whose purpose is to investigate different aspects of a species, both veterinary and eco-ethological, such as nutrition, behaviour, health or social organization.
Currently the studies at the Bioparco focus on enriching the scientific knowledge that already exists.
The aim of the research is to increase the welfare of the animals housed and to acquire new knowledge that can make a valuable contribution in the context of larger projects for the conservation of wild animals, often threatened by extinction.
An example of this is represented by the three projects coordinated by the Bioparco aimed at safeguarding as many Italian endemisms: the Sardinian brook salamander, the yellow-bellied toad and the Aeolian wall lizard.