environmental education: the commitment of the bioparco
Environmental education is one of the main missions of the Bioparco.
In fact the purpose of “modern” zoos is to safeguard endangered species and habitats. Hence the need to educate to respect for the environment and biodiversity.
But you can’t protect what you don’t know. For this reason, the Bioparco regularly proposes environmental education activities for schools and the public in order to induce a concrete change of attitude and make citizens and students more sensitive and active towards the conservation of biodiversity.
The “edutainment” activities (literally “learning by playing”) are set up following the guidelines of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA), which considers “conservation education” to be fundamental. This, in fact, indissolubly links the two aspects in a union that culminates in joining awareness campaigns aimed at creating consensus and awareness, especially in the younger generations.
Visitors can participate in many events, whose focus is environmental education and which include laboratory activities, guided tours, interaction activities with the zoological staff, exhibitions, courses, conventions and conferences.
The goal is to raise awareness among citizens through play, experimentation, contact with animals and a direct relationship with the staff to create an awareness that can lead to a more conscious and pro-active attitude.The Bioparco also offers various activities for schools of all levels which, in line with the ministerial programmes, address the issues of environmental education in an innovative way. Conducted through an engaging and interactive methodology, they are supported by the use of educational materials that facilitate understanding of the topics covered and are carried out by environmental educators with consolidated experience in the sector.